fighting poverty, fueling hope, and creating change to elevate Liberians to new heights

"Generosity is a lever of hope that lifts others out of indignity, misery, and despair."  ~ ACM

Why the
Launch Liberia Campaign?

A group of committed, compassionate Liberians organized this grassroots campaign with caring support from concerned friends of the country. 

As Liberians living abroad, we are disheartened by the dire situation faced by our fellow Liberians in West Africa. It's imperative that we don't remain passive observers while our people endure such profound suffering. We must realize that our homeland has little chance for progress without our support.

We know Liberians are capable, hard-working, and resilient. Made in God's image, they have gifts and treasures to share with the world. But hard economic times make millions hopeless, desperate, and beaten down.

We want to restore dignity to Liberians and see them thrive, not crushed under the weight of dismal realities such as: 

**8 out of 10 unemployed
**2/3 of school-aged children not in school—many go through the school day hungry 
**7 out of 10 Liberians consume only one meager meal a day

A better and brighter future is possible! Providing access to much-needed resources will unleash Liberians' creative and enterprising potential and be a catalyst for lasting transformation.

To do so, we need light-bearers—like you—to bring the light of hope! 

Liberian or caring friend, for less than a dollar a day, will you help us provide the fuel to launch Liberians out of poverty and despair? 

We appreciate your support!

We believe generosity is a lever of love that lifts others out of desperate circumstances.

All Donations Are Tax-Deductible

Example of
Launching Liberians:

Expanding The Resources
Of a School in Dire Need

Champion Academy School System

Less Than A Dollar A Day
Will Keep Poverty At Bay

We Are Delivering HOPE!!!!