
Our Approach

According to the experts on global poverty alleviation, entrepreneurship is the pathway out of poverty. Data results and best practices show that the most effective and enduring way to address spiritual and material poverty is to lead with discipleship training and provide education, economic development, and employment. Therefore, our objective is to meaningfully invest in the lives of people in developing areas—to counter the raging cycle of poverty and joblessness.

Our desire is to help lift people out of hopelessness and deplorable living conditions while ensuring we always start any initiative by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Heart In Heaven is currently supporting 22 global organizations. We provide a brief description of the work they each do. These charities represent the cream of the crop, as they have proven exceptionally trustworthy.

We primarily utilized two tools to vet the integrity of organizations. The first is Charity Navigators, the world's largest and most trusted nonprofit evaluator. A designation of three stars (or 4) is given to those organizations that "efficiently steward donations and are accountable and transparent." Donors can give with confidence to all organizations listed below, as they all have a minimum three-star rating. The second is the list of "Most Trusted NonProfit Awards In 2021' as curated by Ministry Voice. We also utilized supplemental information furnished by Eternal Perspective Ministries.

The center and hub of Heart In Heaven's strategic approach is our biblical objective to ultimately partner with the local church. The roots of parachurch ministries must continually grow and extend from the tree trunk of the local church that ministers in the same geographic location. As we pursue the Great Commission, the local church must be ever strengthened and upheld as the central agent and component. In other words, our goal is to foster and maintain relationships with the local church that are based upon and characterized by healthy interdependence, not unhealthy dependencies.

Therefore, we apply the "Integral Mission Principle," which affirms that the global church body must function so that it does not disempower the local church from using its gifts to holistically engage in integral mission. The goal of Integral Mission is to proclaim and demonstrate among the materially poor the Good News of the kingdom of God in a contextually appropriate way.

In addition to observing the "Integral Mission Principle," we also acknowledge that material poverty is fundamentally rooted in the brokenness of human relationships between God, self, others, and the rest of creation. Therefore, we also adhere to the "Poverty-Alleviation Principle": the ministry of reconciliation—entrusted by Christ to the church—that seeks to restore people to who and what God created them to be. 

Indeed, this is the biblical solution to all poverty. Only then can the damaged relationships between God, self, others, and creation be genuinely restored. As people use their gifts of time, talents, and energies to build sustainable livelihoods—that enable them to work and support their families—the upshot is that they also glorify God, the gracious Giver of all gifts.

Give Hope

Global Organizations

The below list will be expanded over time to include more organizations that meet Heart In Heaven's rigorous criteria for financial integrity and operational excellence.

Discipleship & Economic Empowerment

LAUNCH Liberia
To deliver hope and empower Liberians living in extreme poverty, transforming their lives through discipleship, education, and entrepreneurship. 

Missions & Outreach

Iris Global
To serve the poor, the destitute, the lost, and the forgotten.

Bible Translation & Dissemination

Faith Comes By Hearing
To record and provide the Word of God in every translated language.

Humanitarian Aid

Mercy Ships 
Hospital ships bring hope and healing to world's lost and forgotten poor.


Christ Care Foundation
Providing unconditional assistance to underserved children.

Human Trafficking

Agape International Missions 
Rescue, heal and empower survivors of trafficking.